Early Investigator Pilot Study
Research Award
The Chicago Dermatological Society is pleased to offer research grants to early investigators with no previous record of major funding such as a Dermatology Foundation Award and/or NIH funding. Grants typically support a project for a one-year period in amounts up to $7,000.
- Active CDS members in good standing who are a maximum of six years from their final year of training
- Dermatology residents, fellows, and medical students attending a Chicago-area program are eligible to apply.
- It is required that residents, fellows and medical students who apply have a dermatology faculty mentor who is an active member of CDS.
The applicant is expected to submit a well-conceived proposal on a dermatological topic. Dermatology research projects that involve medical education, clinical or laboratory-based projects, health disparities or rigorous large scale database reviews such as meta-analysis or scoping reviews are welcome. This award funds pilot projects, so the application is not expected to have preliminary data. The award will not be given to projects that already have received funding or already are in progress, or investigators who already have received major funding awards. Winners are expected to present their findings to the membership at the CDS President’s meeting the following year.
The CDS Scientific Committee will consider applications in a spring cycle this year in the Spring/Summer of 2025. Applications for Spring/Summer of 2025 are due on April 30, 2025. Winners will be announced in June 2025.
Funded applicants are expected to present their project and findings at the next CDS President Meeting in June 2026
Please submit the following documents:
1. A completed Application Form
- Fill out the online application form. Click here to preview the required information.
- There is a file upload feature at the end of the online application form to attach the required documents.
2. Application Signatures
- Click here to download the document.
3. A Brief Biographical Sketch
- NIH biosketch format preferred or 2-page sketch.
- If the applicant is a resident, fellow or medical student, both the applicant and their mentor should submit a biographical sketch. Please do not submit a full-length CV; only a brief 2-page sketch.
4. Letter of Support from the Mentor
- Provide if the applicant is a resident, fellow or medical student. The mentor must be an active CDS member.
5. Proposal
- Suggested format – 5 page total. Click here to download Word Document.
- Layman’s statement — 300 word maximum. A brief paragraph that describes your project. This may be used for announcements, award presentations or posted on the CDS website.
- Specific Aims — approximately 1/2 page
- What is the problem/topic you are interested in exploring and why is it important in dermatology?
- What are your goals or do you intend to accomplish
- Background/Significance — approximately 1/2 page
- A succinct summary of any background information you believe the Scientific Committee should know.
- Explain what your investigation could contribute to either the medical literature, patient care or even society.
- Research Project Design — 3 pages maximum
- Review the project design/methods
- Review the evaluation methods/measures used in your data collection
- Data analysis plan
- Future Plans/Goals
- Please explain to the committee how your data can be used to build on future projects.
- Also, we strongly recommend including what journal you are targeting to publish your work or what scientific meeting, other than the CDS President’s meeting, you are planning on presenting your work.
- References — not included in page limit
- Maximum of 10 references
- Budget — not included in page limit
- CDS award funds may not be used for stipends/salaries for any investigators.
- Costs to compensate a percent effort for statisticians, university librarians for reviews, or other specialized personnel for database reviews are permitted.
- Indirect costs are not permitted.
- Maximum of $500 may be used for travel to a national dermatology meeting.
- It is expected that a poster or other presentation of the project funded by this CDS award is occurring at that meeting. For example, funding travel to a resident board review course is not permitted. Please be specific in the budget request about what meeting you expect to present your project.
- Please include IRB submission or approval documents — not included in page limit.
- Funds will not be released until CDS receives proof of IRB approval.
As noted above, the proposal should not exceed 5 pages total. This does not include the biosketches and letter of support. Please make every effort to be succinct.
Submit your final, completed application and supporting materials no later than 5 p.m. on April 30, 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
In a single PDF file, combine all required documents.
- Application Signatures
- Biographical Sketch
- Letter of Support
- Proposal
Fill out the online application form. At the end of the form, upload your PDF file.
The CDS Scientific Committee will review all submissions and make a recommendation to the CDS governing board (the Plans & Policies Committee) for final approval.
Post-Grant Reports
Final Report — Recipients of CDS Early Investigator Pilot Study Research Award are required to submit a report by the announced date a year following the award. Typically, recipients are expected to submit their reports according to this schedule, and to present a summary of their research at the relevant CDS Conference the year following the award. We will provide grant recipients additional information concerning the format and timing of reporting.
Financial accounting — In addition to the research findings, grant recipients are required to submit a summary of how the grant funds were utilized, including disclosure of any funds remaining. Note — Unused funds must be returned to CDS.
Variations or Exceptions — If unexpected changes are required which represent a significant departure from your application, the grant recipient must communicate with the CDS Scientific Committee before proceeding. Likewise, if additional time is needed, we ask that you contact CDS as soon as you realize an extension may be necessary.
Publications — We certainly hope that your research will result in appropriate recognition for your efforts through publication of your project in an appropriate journal. Of course, we expect that you will provide proper credit for the funding provided by CDS. In any event, CDS reserves the right to publish a summary of your results on our website.
The winners of any CDS award are expected to acknowledge CDS funding on their posters, published paper, or presentations. Winners also are expected to submit copies of their papers/posters, etc., to the CDS office.
Contact the Chicago Dermatological Society
Phone: 847-680-1666
Email: [email protected]
CDS Scientific Committee Chair — Arlene Ruiz de Luzuriaga, MD
CDS Executive Director — Marty Roth